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Shore tours are a feature of all cruises

Shore tours or excursions offered by the ship are now available online. Those booked on the cruise can check these out and pre-book tours of interest through the online check-in page

Genealogically related places of interest

For those not doing one of the tours offered by the cruise line we are putting together some suggestions for genealogy/history related things to do and places to visit.

These are not actual tours organised by us but rather information and suggestions of places of genealogical or historical significance. If several are interested in visiting a particular place we can help coordinate groups to go by taxi or public transport where available.

Marie Dougan (Ancestral Consultants, email [email protected]) has generously researched the options at the following information for Scottish ports.


Invergordon – Monday 21 July

Highlands Archives Inverness – http://highlifehighland.com/archives
The Highland Archive Centre, Bught Road, Inverness, IV3 5SS.
Tel: +44 (0)1463 256444,
Email: [email protected]

The Family History Centre
Highland Archive Centre, Bught Road, Inverness, IV3 5SS.
Tel: +44 (0)1463 256444,
Email: [email protected]

Numbers: Limit: 10
Introductory talk/guide: Yes
Opening hours: 10.00- 4.00
Cost: None for archives – although if you want to access the registrar’s computers to use ScotlandsPeople (and see recent records not available online) there is a charge of £15 for the day. This cannot be shared between delegates.

Distance from the cruise ship/terminal: Need to take the shore trip from Invergordon to Inverness
How to get there: Walking distance from Inverness city centre (appears to be about 1.5 km). Some may need a taxi.

Other information: Collections of records pertaining to some areas of the Highlands – see website for coverage. May be able to provide some information if requested in advance. Please let Marie know if you wish to do this.

Kirkwall, Orkney Islands – Tuesday 22 July

Orkney Library and Archive – www.orkneylibrary.org.uk/html/archive.htm
44 Junction Road, Kirkwall, Orkney KW15 1AG
Tel: 01856 873166 Fax: 01856 875260
Email: [email protected]

Numbers: Limit Up to 10
Introductory talk/guide: Possibly
Opening hours: 9.15 – 17.00
Cost: Free

Distance from the cruise ship/terminal: in Kirkwall
How to get there: Walk – based in town centre

Other information: Information could be made available in advance. Contact Marie if you wish to do this.


Orkney Family History Society– www.orkneyfhs.co.uk
Orkney Library & Archives, 44 Junction Rd, Kirkwall, Orkney KW15 1AG ourScotland, UK
Telephone: 01856 879207

Numbers Limit: Up to 8
Introductory talk/guide: Yes
Opening hours: 2-4 pm
Cost: Free

Distance from the cruise ship/terminal: – in Kirkwall
How to get there: Walk – based in town centre

Other information: If names for researching received in advance, then members may be able to locate useful and relevant information for you to consult during your visit. Contact Marie if you wish to do this.

Stornoway, Outer Hebrides – no useful suggestions there at this stage. We have been advised that the Stornoway Library has old parish records on microfilm for those wishing to do an ancestor search but you probably need to to contact them to book their viewer. Most ancestry research is done online nowadays it has to be said. Bill Lawson’s series of Croft Histories are also available in the library and they may be of use to some.

Tobermory, Isle of Mull – Thursday 24 of July

Mull Museum – www.mullmuseum.org.uk
Columba Buildings, Main Street, Tobermory PA75 6NY
Tel: 01688 301100

Numbers: Limit: 6 – 8
Introductory talk/guide: yes
Opening hours: 10:00 – 16:00
Cost: free

Distance from the cruise ship/terminal: in Tobermory
How to get there: Walk

Other information: May be able to provide information if given names in advance.
Please let Marie know if you want to do this.


Pennyghael – http://pennyghael-in-the-past.org.uk
Pennyghael in the Past Historical Archive, Balevulin, Tiroran
Tel : 01681 705261 Contact Christine Leach
Email: [email protected].

Numbers: Limit 10 – 20
Introductory talk/guide: yes
Opening hours: Will be available if required
Cost: Free – donations always welcome

Distance: from the cruise ship/terminal: One hour from Tobermory
How to get there: Taxi

Other information: This is a small cottage museum situated in an old blackhouse. It is strongly suggested that you make enquiries in advance in order to confirm whether there are relevant materials.
Please let Marie know if you want to do this.


Mull Historical Centre – www.romhc.org.uk
Tigh na Rois Visitor Centre, Millbrae Cottage, Bunessan, Isle of Mull PA67 6DG Scotland
Tel: +44 (0)1681 700659
Email: [email protected]

Numbers: Limit: up to 6
Introductory talk/guide: yes
Opening hours: 10:00 – 16:00
Cost: £1 donation

Distance from the cruise ship/terminal – At least one hour from Tobermory
How to get there:  Taxi

Other information: Would prefer names to be researched in advance.
Please let Marie know if you want to do this.


Iona Heritage Centre – www.ionaheritage.co.uk
Isle of Iona, Argyll PA76 6SJ
Telephone 01681 700576
No email

Numbers: Limit Can be negotiated
Introductory talk/guide: yes
Opening hours: 10:30 – 16:15
Cost: £2.50 per person. £1.50 for seniors

Distance from the cruise ship/terminal: Involves bus and ferry!
How to get there: Bus from Tobermory, 5 mins, then ferry 10 mins to island (no ferries 10:45 – 11:45)

Other information: Request names in advance if possible.
Please let Marie know if you want to do this.


Dublin – there 2 options:

  • an introductory presentation at at the National Library – with time for you to do some research at either or both afterwards.
    • there is a €25 charge for this to cover venue and presenter. You may also pay for this in GBP (£20) or AUD ($40)
    • payment will be by cash on the ship before the tour. We will simply collect this to pass on to the tour leader
    • whoever is joining this tour needs to get to the National Library of Ireland’s seminar room before 10am
    • you will be met by Carmel Gilbride (Research Manager at Eneclann) who will introduce you to the library and its records, as well as associated services. She will also give you an intro to the National Archives should they wish to go there. The Library maintains a full advisory service for genealogy, so all visitors can be met one-to-one to answer specific questions
  • a talk on Dublin’s long lost Theatre Royal. This covers both the historical aspect of the theatre but more importantly the Irish and international stars who appeared on this the largest stage in Europe at the time. The Royal was the also the largest theatre in Europe with 4000 seats. All Dubliners went to the Royal to see Judy Garland, Danny Kaye, Sean Connery, Bill Haley and the Comets to name but a few. Then there were the Irish stars Jimmy O’Dea, Noel Purcell, Ruby Murray, Maureen Potter, Val Doonican, The Batchelors.


Guernsey – Priaulx Library, Guernsey’s Historical and Family History Research Centre  http://priaulxlibrary.co.uk. One person on our cruise has suggested this and has been in contact with them. They are not normally open on Sunday when the cruise is there, but it may be possible to have a special opening if there is enough interest.


London (before the cruise) – we have had no discussions yet but, if a number are interested, we could inquire about the possibility of an introductory talk/guide, with time to research after. This would probably need to be on the Thursday or Friday before the cruise.