Amelia Bennett (England)
Amelia Bennett has been researching her family tree for 24 years and has been a trustee of the Society of Genealogists for over three years. She has followed in her ancestors’ footsteps as an engineer for her ‘paid’ job but loves using her analysis skills to investigate the fascinating world of her relatives. Her love is solving brickwalls either through detective work or through a knowledge of where datasets may be hidden. She has significant experience researching in England and Wales using a variety of records along with experience in many countries around the world.
She is an alumni of the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy and has travelled internationally to meet others who share her passion. Science is at the fore with her new found interest in using DNA to solve older genealogical mysteries. She has managed DNA kits with the majority of the suppliers and has solved the mystery of her great-grandfather through DNA matches and a lot of traditional research. Amelia has hosted a number of brickwall workshops at the SoG and has been providing advice within the SoG library and at conferences/family history shows for a number of years including on the Alaskan Unlock the Past Cruise and has recently started to give talks.
On social media, Amelia is known as Mia.
Unlock the Past Cruises – 14th and 16th