ODuill EileenEileen Ó Dúill (Ireland)
Eileen, has been a professional Irish genealogist since 1990, specializing in legal and probate genealogical research. She is currently the only Certified Genealogist in Ireland.  She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists and served on the board of the as the International Trustee for Britain and Ireland (2007-2012). Eileen has lectured at national and international conferences in the US, Ireland, Canada and the U.K. from 1999 to 2014 and co-presented a webinar on Irish genealogical research for Ancestry.com.  She was a course tutor and lecturer on the Diploma in Family History (Genealogy) at the Independent College, Dublin. She has been admitted as an expert witness in the Surrogate Courts in 6 counties of New York Eileen was able to turn a lifelong hobby into a business providing a professional genealogical research service. Being an American living in Ireland for 38 years, has enabled her to have a unique perspective on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean and an understanding of her fellow countrymen in their quest for their Irish heritage.

Website: www.heirsireland.com

Unlock the Past Cruises – 5th


  • Census records in Scotland
  • Families moving between Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales
  • Finding your Irish ancestors in Scottish records
  • Introduction to Irish genealogy: where do I start?
  • Researching in Ireland: planning is the key to success
  • Dublin, 30 June 1922: did everything blow up?
  • Irish birth, marriage and death records for the beginner
  • Mrs. Fancy Tart is coming to tea: making sense of family stories