Jan GowJan Gow (New Zealand) www.hookedongenealogytours.com

Jan says she has been ‘Hooked on Genealogy’ since 1981 when she won an airfare to the States. She has been a tutor, author and lecturer at local, national and international levels since 1985. And on cruise ships! She has served three years as Treasurer and then three years President New Zealand Society of Genealogists. She is presently the Liaison Officer for FamilySearch/NZSG, is a NZSG Life Member and Past Board Member Association Professional Genealogists. She has owned Beehive Books since 1987, the one-stop-shop for NZ genealogists and led Hooked on Genealogy Tours (since 1992) – each year preparing and escorting genealogists to Salt Lake City for three weeks and on to the UK for a further three weeks.

Jan was awarded the AFFHO Award for Meritorious Service to Family History in 2006. She was on the organising committee for the AFFHO Congress in Auckland in 2009, and the NZ Family History Fair in 2010. She has for ten years written a monthly genealogy column for NZ’s Netguide magazine, with a feature article most years.

Jan says “I need another category on my passport – that of Auskiwi – born in Australia, but live in Auckland NZ”. Jan was a presenter at 2011 Rootstech conference in Salt Lake City and at the 2011 Who Do You Think You Are? Live air show in London, two of the largest family history events in the world. More details, including a list of topics Jan offers.

Unlock the Past Cruises – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 10th