Perry McIntyreDr Perry McIntyre has worked in genealogy for over 30 years, has been a councillor of the Society of Australian Genealogists for over 19 years until November 2008 and co-tour leader of nine successful tours of Ireland between 1991 and 2007. She still convenes the SAG Irish Interest Group. She was President of the History Council of NSW in 2005-06 and is currently a member of the Great Irish Famine Commemoration Committee. Perry has published and spoken extensively on genealogy and immigration, especially on Irish immigration for over 25 years. She was awarded her PhD in 2006 looking at the wives and familes of convicts’ scheme. She has recently been co-author of three books on single female emigration in the 1830s and currently works part-time as the historian and archivist at St John’s College, within the University of Sydney.

Unlock the Past Cruises – 2nd