Since Unlock the Past cruises was established on an international basis in 2013 we have received many offers and expressions of interest in being a cruise presenter – far more than we can offer significant support to. However we welcome presenters with recognised expertise at various levels of support.

  1. a very small number specifically invited and fully supported – to suit the cruise program. Usually one or two.
  2. a limited number of others that we partly support at varying levels–usually payment for talks of general interest and sometimes further support
  3. others who come as regular cruisers who have recognised expertise they are prepared to offer
  4. we generally reserve about 20% to 30% of speaking spots on major cruises for those who come on the cruise as fully paid cruisers – if they have recognised expertise and presentation skills. Most will only do one or perhaps two talks, but these often add great variety and value to the program, often dealing with subjects that would not normally be part of a conference program. However unless your topic is of wide appeal, payment is not normally made for these talks

Most speakers will have to justify their commitment to a cruise in one or more ways:

  • as a working holiday—a place on the program, with or without some financial support from us
  • as a platform (like any other conference or fair) to promote/sell their products and services, consult or take commissions
  • come with some sponsorship (financial or promotional value to us) from others—or as a self-sponsorship opportunity
  • as a promotional partner with us—helping to market our cruises through available avenues
  • as an Unlock the Past guide book author (as many of our presenters are – developing their presentations into an income generating publication). See author invitation.

More information – download the following documents

Our one or two fully supported presenters are specifically invited either before or soon after a new cruise is announced. Other presenters are partly supported at varying levels and chosen on the basis of their expressed interest in the cruise and the balance they bring to the program.  The program on our major cruises can usually accommodate 10-15 speakers.

Inquire early for the best chance of a place on a cruise of interest.

If you are interested in presenting, please download the information in the links above and return the cruise speaker submission form, along with an email inquiry and expression of interest.

On request we can supply the following to those interested in presenting:

  • Cruise speaker offer (terms of engagement) – formal offer supplied when a speaker has provisionally accepted terms already discussed